
Cyesha, Руанда

Подходящо за еспресо и филтър

34.00 лв. Намаление Спести

Грамаж: 250 г


Млечен шоколад. Портокал. Кафява захар.


Red Bourbon




Nyamasheke District


1550 – 1800 м


Cyesha CWS, Muraho Trading Company


Once you make your way past the majestic four-hour drive from Kigali to Nyamasheke District where you are bombarded with thousands of green lush forests, trade mark Rwandan rolling hills, villages, coffee trees and so much more. Just when you think it cannot get any more majestic … you are greeted by the iconic Lake Kivu, the biggest lake in Rwanda overseeing our neighbours to the west, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). On the shores of this amazing Lake our Cyesha CWS sits. Kilimbi is the birthplace of Muraho Trading Company.
Numerous wash stations from this district have placed in the Rwandan Cup of Excellence over the years. Cyesha Wash Station is one of the Muraho Trading Co. wash stations in this district. It forms a part of Muraho Tradding Co.’s reputation for producing some of the best coffee in Rwanda.

ЗА Bluebird

We are beyond excited to introduce Bluebird Coffee Roastery from South Africa! Bluebird Coffee Roastery, founded by Dario Scilipoti, is nestled in the picturesque KZN Midlands of South Africa. Dario’s philosophy is simple yet powerful: “Let’s have fun and make a difference.” Bluebird is driven by a commitment to quality, sustainability, and meaningful relationships with farmers and producers. They make the hard decisions - putting people, the environment and quality before profit - to ensure their coffees are not only exceptional but ethically sourced.Bluebird’s purpose-built roastery, established in 2022, houses their café, training center, QC lab, and roasting facility. From this space, they craft coffees that inspire, connect, and delight. Their dedication to bringing exclusive, high-quality lots to their customers has earned them a reputation for excellence.


С Drekka се впускаме в приключението печене на спешълти кафе с много хъс и желание. Както винаги, ще сме безкомпромисни със селекцията и качеството. #88pointsandabove

Taf Coffee, Атина, е постоянната пекарна, с която работим над пет години. Винаги присъстват в нашата селекция.

Всеки месец представяме една или повече гост пекарни, защото вярваме, че човек трябва непрестанно да опитва нови кафета и профили на изпичане от най-добрите пекарни в Европа.