Ojo de Café

La Divisa, Колумбия / Филтър

Подходящо за филтър

Грамаж: 200 г


Малина. Папая. Какао.


Pink Bourbon






1700 м


La Divisa | Sebastian Gomez


Sebastian Gomez, a young and innovative coffee farmer, comes from a traditional coffee-growing family. Together with his father, John, he runs La Divisa Farm, a 13-hectare property nestled at 1,700 meters above sea level in Circasia, Quindío. Surrounded by shade trees like Guamo, Guayacan, Gualandai, and Nogal, the farm has been a labor of love for John since 1995. With over 30 years of experience, John now works alongside Sebastian and his wife, combining tradition and modernity to create exceptional coffee.

After returning to Colombia in 2014, Sebastian was inspired by the specialty coffee movement he had witnessed abroad. He and his family shifted their focus from volume to quality, planting varieties like Geisha and Pink Bourbon. Their patience and commitment paid off, and three years later, they began to see remarkable results. Sebastian reflects on the evolving industry, emphasizing the demand for differentiated coffees and his mission to meet these expectations.

ЗА Ojo de Café

Ojo de Café is a Swiss-based micro-roastery founded by Debora and Cristian in Bern, driven by their passion for exceptional specialty coffee. Their focus lies in sourcing high-quality beans from Latin America, working directly with producers to ensure ethical, sustainable, and ecological practices at every step of the supply chain.

Their philosophy is simple yet impactful: to honor the unique flavors of Latin American coffee while fostering fair and transparent relationships with farmers. Every coffee they roast reflects the dedication and craftsmanship of both the producers and the Ojo de Café team, bringing vibrant, nuanced flavors to each cup. Whether you’re enjoying their coffee as a rich espresso or a delicate filter brew, Ojo de Café promises a memorable coffee experience rooted in sustainability and excellence.


С Drekka се впускаме в приключението печене на спешълти кафе с много хъс и желание. Както винаги, ще сме безкомпромисни със селекцията и качеството. #88pointsandabove

Taf Coffee, Атина, е постоянната пекарна, с която работим над пет години. Винаги присъстват в нашата селекция.

Всеки месец представяме една или повече гост пекарни, защото вярваме, че човек трябва непрестанно да опитва нови кафета и профили на изпичане от най-добрите пекарни в Европа.