
Капсули Decaf Espresso

Невероятният вкус на спешълти кафе, поместенo в кафе капсули, съвместими с Nespresso* машини.

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1 кутия съдържа 10 капсули


Catuai, Mundo Novo


Natural (Ethyl Acetate / Sugar cane)


Minas Gerais




This Catuai, Mundo Novo Natural Decaf has all the depth and sweetness of a classic Brazilian profile.

Minas Gerais in Southeastern Brazil is one of the most important regions in Brazil's Arabica cultivation, producing around 74% of the country's coffee volume. The region actually produces more coffee than any other country in the world.

The Ethyl Acetate decaffeination process is employed, effectively removing caffeine while preserving the coffee's natural taste profile.

ЗА Colonna

Colonna Coffee, founded by Maxwell and Lesley Colonna-Dashwood, began its journey in 2009 with the opening of Colonna & Small’s in Bath, UK. This coffee shop quickly gained international recognition for its dedication to showcasing exceptional coffees and fostering engaging conversations around coffee. In 2016, it was awarded the title of ‘Best Coffee Shop in Europe’. 

In 2015, the Colonna team launched their own roastery to gain greater control over sourcing and flavor profiling. Their commitment to innovation and quality has led to collaborations with industry experts, scientists, and inventors, resulting in published scientific papers on topics such as water science, frozen grinding, sensory science, and sustainability. 

Colonna’s pursuit of exceptional coffee extends to reimagining state-of-the-art capsule technology for specialty coffee and incubating projects like the Peak Water Project, which launched in 2020. Their passion for coffee drives them to explore its possibilities and share new discoveries with their customers. 

Through continuous dedication to exploring coffee’s potential, Colonna Coffee aims to share each new discovery with their customers, embodying a relentless pursuit of flavor and understanding what makes coffee truly exceptional. 


С Drekka се впускаме в приключението печене на спешълти кафе с много хъс и желание. Както винаги, ще сме безкомпромисни със селекцията и качеството. #88pointsandabove

Taf Coffee, Атина, е постоянната пекарна, с която работим над пет години. Винаги присъстват в нашата селекция.

Всеки месец представяме една или повече гост пекарни, защото вярваме, че човек трябва непрестанно да опитва нови кафета и профили на изпичане от най-добрите пекарни в Европа.