
San Francisco, Ел Салвадор

Подходящо за еспресо и филтър

Грамаж: 200 г


Dark cherry. Plum. Chocolate.




Double Fermentation Washed






Andres Salaverria


This coffee reveals deep aromas of black cherry and plum, enriched by notes of intense chocolate. Its profile is rich and velvety, offering a complex and intensely gourmand tasting.

Andrés Salaverría has had a passion for coffee growing since childhood. His family, involved in this activity for more than 100 years, owns farms in the coffee regions of Atiquizaya, Concepción de Ataco, Jayúa and Apaneca. Andrés, as the fifth generation, has been dedicated to coffee growing for 11 years. He fondly remembers his younger years, accompanying his father to the El Molino mill every evening to watch the unloading of coffee cherries harvested from different farms. His fascination began when he would jump on the piles of cherries aboard the trucks. Every summer, he would invest in temporary jobs in the family coffee business, seeking to acquire new knowledge.

After graduating from university, Andrés completed the Ernesto Illy Master’s degree in Coffee Science and Economics. This enriching experience allowed him to gain a deep understanding of the entire coffee production chain and learn from fellow coffee producers from other parts of the world. In 2011, upon returning to El Salvador, Andrés focused on the commercial, industrial and administrative aspects of coffee farms. Together with his father, Don José Antonio Salaverria, who was responsible for managing the farms, they formed an efficient team. Their constant goal has been product diversification, while remaining attentive to new trends in processes observed in other coffee-producing countries, in order to successfully implement them in El Salvador.

Among the farms managed by the Salaverría family, the San Francisco Farm occupies a prominent place. Not only is it a coffee production area, but it also houses a forest nature reserve. The latter was donated to the National Forestry Association of El Salvador with the aim of preserving a splendid habitat for many species of exotic plants and animals.

ЗА Kawa

Kawa Coffee е пекарна от Франция и Алексис Ганьер стои зад откриването ѝ.
Всичко започва през 2016 г., когато Алексис, събира млади служители с акцент върху създаването на екип, в който всеки има думата. Алексис има много опит в света на кафето и дори участва в AeroPress Championship 2019, където заема 3-то място, а през 2021 г. печели второ място на French Roasting Championship.

Въпреки че Франция е известна със своята гастрономическа култура, в Париж по това време е трудно да се намери добро кафе. Тази изненада подтиква Алексис да основе Kawa Coffee. Компанията се състои от три основни операции. Това са продажби на едро за кафенета и ресторанти, продажби на дребно в онлайн магазина и в кафенета и услуга за доставка за офиси.


С Drekka се впускаме в приключението печене на спешълти кафе с много хъс и желание. Както винаги, ще сме безкомпромисни със селекцията и качеството. #88pointsandabove

Taf Coffee, Атина, е постоянната пекарна, с която работим над пет години. Винаги присъстват в нашата селекция.

Всеки месец представяме една или повече гост пекарни, защото вярваме, че човек трябва непрестанно да опитва нови кафета и профили на изпичане от най-добрите пекарни в Европа.