

5.50 лв. Sale Save

Each PLAYin CHOC® ToyChoc Box® contains two individually wrapped, deliciously creamy, organic, dairy-free chocolates, a surprise 3D cardboard puzzle toy to assemble and a fun facts card. Which Sea Animal will you get? A Turtle? Sea Hourse? Shark or Sea star? Proceeds from sale will benefit the SEA LIFE Trust, protecting the world's oceans.
There are 18 to collect, stencils to use after assembling your toy, plus each one comes with its own educational fun facts card.

100% organic ingredients: cocoa mass, coconut sugar, coconut cream, cocoa butter, vanilla

Contents: 1 box with 2x10 g of chocolate + toy

About PlayinChoc

PlayIn chocolate is free from common allergens. Free from gluten, soy, nuts, dairy, sesame. The entire supply chain, factory and machinery does not handle common allergens. They use just three plants: Cacao, coconut, and vanilla.


For us JOY means enjoying the moment, the excitement that comes from learning, exploring and using imagination – allowing our kids to escape into a world only children can inhabit.

HEALTH means organic foods sustainably and fairly sourced. It means no refined sugars. And it means a delicious taste that makes us feel great.

Keeping our PLANET alive and thriving for our children means learning about the natural world and what we can do to protect and preserve it for future generations. For us this means using bio-degradable, recycled and recyclable packaging and educating our children about the harmful effects of plastic waste on the natural world.