Sparkling water RASPBERRY (12x330)

100% natural carbonated water with an intense fruity aroma of raspberry

• Freshly sprung from our splendid isles and pure in every way.

• Reducing food waste by accepting misfits. We judge on taste not looks.

• A natural lift without the sugar, fake flavours or calories.

Газирана, изворна вода
Екстракт от малина
Натурални овкусители
Лимонена киселина

For 100 ml:
Energy 6KJ/1kCal
Fat 0g,
of which saturated: 0g
Carbohydrates 0.1g, of which sugar 0g
Salt 0.003 g


Dash Water knows that no farmer wants to see their hard work go to waste. But that's exactly what's happening right now, with up to 40% of fruit and vegetables grown in the UK going to waste.

This is a pretty scary statistic for a serious problem that should be at the forefront of our conscious choices regarding what we eat and drink.

At Dash, they judge the content of their drinks solely by the taste of the fruit – their appearance is never the leading factor.

So, although they are pedantic about flavor, they don't care if it's bumpy, crooked, or broken. They want to contribute to reducing food waste, so by saying yes to brewers who others say no to - they're creating drinks that are delicious and, in a small way, helping to raise awareness of the big waste problem