
Capsules, Mother-Ship Blend

Невероятният вкус на спешълти кафе, поместенo в кафе капсули, съвместими с Nespresso* машини.


Milk chocolate. Colorful flavors.




Washed Dry Fermentation


Bensa District, Sidamo


2000 – 2400


Full creamy body, milk chocolate and floral aromas. All this you can expect from our Mother Ship espresso blend. It will be a pleasure to work with both in the coffee shop and at home.
It's a great base for your milk drinks, but at the same time, it won't disappoint any fan of pure espresso. It is a blend of two coffees from countries with completely different flavor profiles - Salvador and Ethiopia. Both coffees bring the best of their origins to the cup and together create a wonderfully balanced taste that lacks nothing.

ЗА Father's

Father's Coffee Roastery, special coffee from Ostrava, Czech Republic.
The father roasts, the mother tastes, and the grown children stand on the side and learn.
After their first cup of specialty coffee in 2013, they spent the next few years working in coffee shops in Ostrava - behind the bar as baristas, in the kitchen, in administration, and wherever needed.
This was all great, but they wanted to gain experience abroad. The band members moved to Berlin, where they got a job as baristas at Five Elephant. It was there that the first idea for Father's Roastery was born. Turning green coffee into brown coffee seemed like magic. Two years later, the dream came true and the first batch of coffee was roasted under the name FATHER'S COFFEE.


С Drekka се впускаме в приключението печене на спешълти кафе с много хъс и желание. Както винаги, ще сме безкомпромисни със селекцията и качеството. #88pointsandabove

Taf Coffee, Атина, е постоянната пекарна, с която работим над пет години. Винаги присъстват в нашата селекция.

Всеки месец представяме една или повече гост пекарни, защото вярваме, че човек трябва непрестанно да опитва нови кафета и профили на изпичане от най-добрите пекарни в Европа.