
Norma Iris Fiallos, Honduras

Recommended for espresso

Weight: 200


Maple Syrup. Hazelnut. Dried Mango.








1500 M


Norma Iris Fiallos


Norma Iris Fiallos owns the San Rafael farm, located in the Los Limos area of ​​Corquin, Copan. Norma is one of the most innovative producers in the area, with a wide range of different varieties, including Bourbon, Catuai, Maragogype and Parainema. The farm is nestled within a pine forest, which greatly acidifies the soil and gives the coffee a very unique cup profile. The coffee is grown entirely in the shade, and the production area represents a fraction of the total area.

All micro-lot processing is done at the Aruco mill to centralize and better control the process, creating consistent procedures and reducing risk for the producer. The mill is also located at 800 meters above sea level, providing a drier and more stable climate for drying the coffee, compared to farms where the climate can be less predictable.

The coffee will be delivered to the mill where they will evaluate the cherry (taking the Brix) and decide on the process to follow depending on the space available and the work already done by the producer. The cherries are cleaned, washed and floated to remove the immature ones.


Kawa Coffee is a roastery from France and Alexis Gagnaire is behind its opening.
It all started in 2016 when Alexis, brought together young employees with a focus on creating a team where everyone has a voice. Alexis has a lot of experience in the coffee world and even participated in the 2019 AeroPress Championship, where he took 3rd place, and in 2021 he won 2nd place in the French Roasting Championship.

Although France is known for its gastronomic culture, it is hard to find good coffee in Paris at this time. This surprise prompted Alexis to found Kawa Coffee. The company consists of three main operations. These are wholesale sales to cafes and restaurants, retail sales in the online store and in cafes, and a delivery service for offices.


With Drekka , we embark on the adventure of roasting specialty coffee with a lot of enthusiasm and desire. As always, we will be uncompromising with selection and quality.

Taf Coffee , Athens, is the roastery we have been working with for over seven years. They are always present in our selection.

Every month we present one or more guest roasteries , because we believe that one should constantly try new coffees and roasting profiles from the best bakeries in Europe.