Good Life

Sadayana, Indonesia

Recommended for espresso

Weight: 225


Ripe cherries. Nectarine. Honey.


Sigrar Utang, Timor, Typica


Honey anaerobic


West Java


1500-1700 M


Sadayana washing station


Constructed in 2022, Sadayana washing station is connecting farmers in West Java with new resources while diversifying the processing methods available from Indonesia. We’re excited about this beautiful mixture of classic Indonesia flavors paired with clean, fruity notes from the Fully Washed processing method. Sadayana is named for the Sundanese word for working together.
While Indonesia is known for its Wet Hulled processing method, an increasing number of cooperatives and processors are expanding their processing methods, helping them tap into new markets. Farmers selectively handpick ripe, red cherry and deliver it to Sadayana washing station. At intake, cherry is floated in a mechanical siphon and pulped. Coffee is placed in a ceramic tile-lined fermentation tank and fermented for 16 hours. Following fermentation, parchment is washed in clean water and then laid to dry on raised beds. Parchment is raked frequently to ensure even drying. It takes 7 to 15 days for parchment to dry.

ABOUT Good Life

Good Life Coffee was founded in Kallio, Helsinki as a coffee bar in 2012(-2019).
After studying, working as a barista for a few years and winning the Barista of the Year competition
Lauri Piping opened GLC with the goal of bringing fresh and tasty coffee to the people of Helsinki.
For Good Life, coffee is a seasonal product, just like any other fruit. This is why they buy coffee that is the freshest harvest. This means that the coffee menu always changes, depending on which country's coffee is in season. Only freshest beans and transparent sourcing.


With Drekka , we embark on the adventure of roasting specialty coffee with a lot of enthusiasm and desire. As always, we will be uncompromising with selection and quality.

Taf Coffee , Athens, is the roastery we have been working with for over seven years. They are always present in our selection.

Every month we present one or more guest roasteries , because we believe that one should constantly try new coffees and roasting profiles from the best bakeries in Europe.